An end-to-end integrated platform for administering credible and efficient
large-scale paper-based exams – from test development to publication,
delivery, scripts scanning and marking.
Crenito Assessment Platform
Crenito, the world’s first solution to syndicated and mass malpractices, and logistic problems in large-scale paper-based exams.
What is The Problem?
For as long as there have been public exams, candidates and syndicates have always found ways to cheat. Exam malpractice has been identified as the greatest destroyer of quality education in many nations and the social vice has taken a new dimension with the internet and proliferation of mobile devices.
The modern way of addressing security and efficiency in the global tests and assessments industry is to migrate to computer-based testing (CBT), but this delivery mode is impractical for nation-wide school-based qualification and achievement assessments, especially in less developed countries.
Total lack of infrastructure as exams are also conducted in remote and rural schools.
Candidates are assessed in multiple subjects – up to 10 subjects in some exams.
Exams are normally conducted over weeks, which places heavy demands on resources (computer, energy, time).
Each subject has multiple components – essays, objectives and practicals.
Crenito is the Solution
Crenito is a patented assessment solution that incorporates the features of CBT into paper-based testing (PBT) in a unique way, creating a new delivery mode known as the Technology-Assisted Paper-Based Testing (TAPBT).
The TAPBT delivery mode bridges the gap between CBT and PBT – combines the security, minimal logistics and instant feedback features of CBT with the scalability and non-restrictive concurrent seating capacity of PBT.
Same workflow with CBT for test development – item authoring, item banking and test assembly.
Personalised question booklets and OMR answer sheets are produced for every candidate using advanced automated typesetting.
Unique set of items can be generated for each candidate by the computer from a pool according to predefined psychometric constraints - no human review prior to printing.
OMR sheets and handwritten answer booklets are scanned and marked automatically and on-screen respectively.
Supported Test Assembly &
Construction Models
FlexTest supports sophisticated test assembly formats including linear randomised and linear-on-the-fly testing, which have previously been distinctive features of computer-based testing.
It presents the same set of items in a predefined order or alternate versions containing the same items presented in a different order.
It constructs a unique set of items for every candidate, yet psychometrically equivalent tests for all candidates.
It presents the same set of items and item options, but in a uniquely randomised order.
It selects items based on candidates’ responses to the previous items.
Crenito Modules
& Features
FlexTest consists of multiple back-end services and end-user applications for tests creation, items banking, publishing, printing, scripts scanning, marking and overall systems administration. The services can be hosted on-premise or in public clouds as desired by the examining body.
Items Development & Banking
Test items are encrypted and stored securely following a systematic approach that complies with ISO 27001 standards.
Standardised items writing, review and approval process to ensure tests psychometric validity, reliability and legal defensibility.
Well-defined metadata for tracking items during development and review process, grouping items into sets and defining difficulty levels.
Intuitive interfaces and templates for creating multiple choice and essay items at test and subject levels.
Access control and audit trail – configurable roles and permissions to access and edit test items.
Tests, Assembly, Publishing & Printing
Personalisation of questions and answers papers coupled with controlled printing enhance security and minimise the effect of leakages.
Item exposure control guarantees that items
in the pool are equally used.
Virtual guarantee that no two candidates in an exam centre will get the same form (multiple-choice exams).
Questions and answer spaces can be printed in the
same booklet for handwritten essay exams.
Adjacent sitting candidates get as much different set of items as possible within the item pool.
Personal information such as exam no, names, passport photograph and unique QR code is printed on booklets and sheets.
High-quality OMR answer sheets are printed using normal document printers and A4 papers.
Secured and controlled printing process – provides a detailed audit trail of every printed test material.
In-built mechanism to handle the logistics (printing & packaging) of administering multiple subjects concurrently without any mix-up.
Scripts Scanning & Marking
Digital marking eliminates the need to transport paper answer scripts, improves marking standards and reduces evaluation cycle time.
Automated identification and sorting of every booklet and answer script page using the pre-printed QR code.
Handwriting comparisons to detect impersonation in multi-subject essay exams.
Marking can be done anywhere on a wide range of devices - from desktop computers and laptops to tablets.
Automated reading and scoring of shaded OMR answers sheets using advanced computer vision.
Secured and feature-rich on-screen marking of digitalised essay answer scripts.
Real-time marking progress tracking and continuous feedback to examiners on marking quality.
Scanned scripts are encrypted and stored securely.
Virtual Assistant Invigilator
The virtual assistant invigilator is an Android app that turns a mobile phone into an intelligent surveillance and communication system for proctoring, from the moment question papers are given out to when all answer scripts are collected.
The app captures videos at dynamically controlled rate to conserve battery power, computational resources and network data consumption. The videos are pre-processed on the edge before being transferred to a central server with time and device GPS location information. The videos can be viewed in real-time from a control centre but the greatest benefit comes from the automatic analysis that is done using state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning algorithms to detect cheating behaviours. Also, a remote invigilator can communicate to the exam centres/rooms using text-to-speech system.
Reliable information on exam start and finish time in a room
Face and human body detection for counting the number of people in the room
Detects movements in and out of the exam room
Active surveillance to capture activities in the room - communications or access to unathorised materials
Enforcement of pre-determined sitting plans and procedures throughout an exam
TAPBT Workflow
Test materials may be printed well in advance and transported over long distances as it is currently done in traditional PBT, but the ultimate benefits of TAPBT will be derived if tests are encrypted and transmitted electronically from a central server to localised purpose-built printing and scanning centres (PSCs) shortly before exams. The materials are then transported between PSCs and exam centres.
Benefits of Crenito
Embrace our one-of-its-kind digital innovation in paper-based exams delivery - tackle the menace of mass malpractice, increase efficiency and reduce overall administration costs.
No collusion or copying
from other candidates.
No substitution or slotting in of
externally prepared answer scripts after exams.
No tearing of questions and
answers booklets parts.
Streamlined printing, distribution, administration, collection and scanning workflow, which reduces logistic hassle and costs.
No exchanging of questions
and answers booklets.
Prepared answers from syndicate agents during exams are unlikely to tally with a specific candidate’s questions.
Impersonations in multi-subject written exams will be detected except the same impersonator sits for all the papers.
No smuggling out of questions or answer booklets from the exam hall.
Leakages or loss of few physical question booklets may not compromise the entire exam.
Multiple subjects (e.g. Physics and Commerce) can be delivered at the same time, thereby reducing overall administration period and costs.